What is this blog?

In 2008 I stumbled upon a blog organized by a woman who wanted to read The Bible each day through the year and then comment and receive comments about the reading assignment. I decided to join and I really enjoyed the experience of discussing the passages. I wanted to continue that. I thought I would start a blog that follows the LDS Sunday School lessons, not in any way replacing them, but just to offer a venue to comment on the readings for those who don't like to/get to comment in class or don't get to go to class at all, or just anybody. 2009 was my first full year with this blog, reading the Doctrine and Covenants (all archived in 2009). 2010 I did my best to discuss the Old Testament but fell off in the fall. 2011 is a review of The New Testament, but I was even less successful in continuing with that year, but I hope to fill those in during the year! During 2012 we discuss The Book of Mormon. I will post at least once for the week's readings. I will not post on General Conference weeks and will probably be behind your current reading due to our church schedule, but hope you can still find relevancy. Also, I probably won't proofread much, so please forgive me for errors, I'll be lucky to just get a post each week in. Feel free to comment on my current week or your class' current week. Enjoy! I do!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Blessings, duty and honor. Feb 20th. Long one.

I have asked Mark a couple of times throughout our marriage, what it's like to give a priesthood blessing to someone. What is it like knowing that you are the mouthpiece for Heavenly Father? He has not been able to describe it very well to me, but has mentioned things like, feeling in tune and just feeling like what he is saying is right. I've wondered how during a blessing the voice will often say "we bless you. . . " or somehow indicate the voice in one way or another has a bit of a bias, which makes sense, but is the bias too biased? Anyway, I've been reading in the Priesthood manuals this week, the DC student manual and a book by John Widstoe and while I was reading the scripture regarding Nephi and the sealing power came to mind:

Helaman 10:5 "And now, because thou hast done this with such unwearyingness, behold, I will bless thee forever; and I will make thee mighty in word and in deed, in faith and in works; yea, even that all things shall be done unto thee according to thy word, for thou shalt not ask that which is contrary to my will."

I don't know why this hasn't occured to me before, at least with as much meaning as it did today (line upon line I suppose), well maybe it's because I always assumed that this scripture should be taken in the context of the relationship of a prophet and Heavenly Father/Jesus Christ. I didn't think that today. When a worthy Priesthood holder gives a blessing and is properly prepared, the will of the Lord will either be revealed to him, or what the holder is saying is in line with the will of the Lord and it is upon the faith of the receiver (and also the giver) that the words are accepted as such. Big responsibility, don't you think? I do think one of the blessings that a Priesthood holder receives when he gives a blessing is that he receives the grace the Savior offers. Because no man is perfect, he must have the faith that whatever he lacks at the time of the blessing, the Savior will make up for, for the benefit of the giver and the receiver. Which is probably one of the reasons why the blessings are closed with ". . in the name of Jesus Christ."

I have struggled in the last few years to come to a proper understanding of why men hold the priesthood and women don't. My questioning is not that of angry feminist, but just out of curiousity. I've concluded this: there's really no comparison between men and women regarding who "gets" the priesthood, because I don't think Heavenly Father meant the topic to be a source of comparison. I've never really felt comfortable with saying men have the priesthood and women have babies, in trying to explain why women do not hold the priesthood, because it's usually said in a manner that tries to justify a woman's existence and power and I don't think a woman's existence or extent of power needs to be justified. It just is. Men and women have human powers. Men and women have godly powers. What matters is what we do with those powers, how we appreciate, respect and operate with those powers and if we remember where those powers come from, both the human and godly powers. When we are asked, "How do you obey and honor the priesthood?" Our answer should be given with the context of God's power, not man's power. Obeying and honoring the priesthood is not obeying and honoring the man administering the in the priesthood, but obeying and honoring God. This is a duty required of both man and woman. We have a duty to honor Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. We can respect Priesthood holders, but Dieties get the honor and obedience.

The DC student manual has a great enrichment section on the priesthood you can read. There is a thought-provoking story at the end of enrichment M, after the summary. It is about fulfilling our duties while operating under the administration of Priesthood holders, but directing operating under Heavenly Father. I highly suggestion reading it.

I have many other feelings about the Holy Priesthood. I understand the need for it and my need for it, at least to this point in my life. I understand enough to know that it is larger than I can truly understand and requires my faith in following. This is one of the things that I look forward to grasping the big picture of, someday when my brain can handle it.

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