What is this blog?

In 2008 I stumbled upon a blog organized by a woman who wanted to read The Bible each day through the year and then comment and receive comments about the reading assignment. I decided to join and I really enjoyed the experience of discussing the passages. I wanted to continue that. I thought I would start a blog that follows the LDS Sunday School lessons, not in any way replacing them, but just to offer a venue to comment on the readings for those who don't like to/get to comment in class or don't get to go to class at all, or just anybody. 2009 was my first full year with this blog, reading the Doctrine and Covenants (all archived in 2009). 2010 I did my best to discuss the Old Testament but fell off in the fall. 2011 is a review of The New Testament, but I was even less successful in continuing with that year, but I hope to fill those in during the year! During 2012 we discuss The Book of Mormon. I will post at least once for the week's readings. I will not post on General Conference weeks and will probably be behind your current reading due to our church schedule, but hope you can still find relevancy. Also, I probably won't proofread much, so please forgive me for errors, I'll be lucky to just get a post each week in. Feel free to comment on my current week or your class' current week. Enjoy! I do!

Monday, July 13, 2009

I skipped out and new readings

Summer is not as laid back as I thought it would be. Oh, we're having fun alright. But I'm making sure we are having fun so there is no fighting or boredom, so when we do have days at home, the kids really want to be at home and they play better together. For this reason, I am behind one week with this blog. Hopefully the few who read this blog will have had at least one stake conference so this blog will still be a week ahead now or right on. If not, I apologize profusely my only excuse is that I am trying to be a peacemaker and not a yeller for my kids. I would just skip to the next week, but this topic is one I can't pass up. Prepare to read:

"They must needs be chastened and tried, even as Abraham"
Monday, July 13: Doctrine and Covenants 101:1-42
Tuesday, July 14: DC 101:43-101
Wednesday, July 15: DC 103
Thursday, July 16: DC 105
Friday, July 17: Our Heritage 27-29, 37-45


  1. Sweet Lisa.
    I can hear your soothing voice when I read..."trying to be a peacemaker".
    I enjoy reading your blog(s)...but having you, and I suppose Mark too, here would be much better! What a great example you are.


  2. MJ, you are so very kind. I miss my Minnesota friends soooo much! It's been three years since we moved, but my MN friends and memories are so very dear and close to me! I'm glad we can keep in touch electronically. I have a new family blog site because my old one stopped working:
